19 Social Media Best Practices Every Brand Should Follow in 2024

19 Social Media Best Practices Every Brand Should Follow in 2024

Discover 19 best social media practices that can improve the engagement and growth of any brand with any goal. These are carefully crafted to fit any business and industry.

Social Media Best Practices Every Brand Should Follow

Social media is all about adapting and innovating. It’s about following trends one moment and setting new ones the next. Marketers need to be constantly on their toes to align their social media marketing strategy with social media’s ever-evolving nature.

So where should you start, and what should you do? You must ground your marketing in the best social media practices discussed in this blog to keep up and lead the change.

Take it as a cue to throw the old playbook out the window and adapt to the refined practices to grow your brand faster on social media. Let’s move on to the practices!

19 Social Media Best Practices You Need to Know [2024 Edition]

We have categorized our social media best practices based on different stages of a social media campaign. From planning the content to executing and engaging with your audience, these practices will help you stay on track from start to finish.

Best Social Media Practices for Strategic Planning and Analysis

If you begin wrong, there is no hope for correction afterward. Keeping this in mind, here are some best social media practices so you can start strategic planning and analysis on the right foot.

1. Define Social Media Goals Linked to Business Objectives

To ensure your efforts contribute to the bigger picture and have clarity and purpose, set social media goals that align with the brand’s business objectives to derive action that matters.

For relevance, you should set these social media goals quarterly or bi-annually at the beginning of strategy-making and planning. Clear goals that align with business objectives make it possible to effectively allocate resources, provide direction, and create measurable targets.

To set achievable goals for your social media, you should:

  • Start with identifying business objectives. (Revenue, expansion, awareness, etc.)
  • Translate these objectives to social media goals. (Increase sales = boost in conversions)
  • Your goals should be S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound)
    guide your strategy
  • Based on goals, set social media metrics and KPIs. (CTR, reach, engagement, etc.)
  • Now, you can develop a step-by-step plan to achieve these goals. (Assign tasks, set deadlines, allocate resources)
Aligning Company objectives with Social Media Goals and KPIs

Identifying business objectives and setting social media goals is a process that occurs with key stakeholders during strategy meetings in different quarters.

2. Conduct Regular Competitor Analysis

Always analyze your competitors. This keeps you aware of what your competitors are doing and helps you stay ahead of industry trends and improve for better results.

Start by picking a few top competitors from your industry and identifying their strengths and weaknesses. This will help you understand what works and what does not. When you know everything about your competitors, you can uncover opportunities to stand out and stay competitive and innovative by knowing what is trending in your industry.

A simple social media competitor analysis includes the following:

  • Identifying a few direct and indirect competitors on social media.
  • Analyzing their social media content and most successful posts and campaigns.
  • Preparing a checklist and measuring your brand’s and competitors’ data on different networks.
    Complete Competitive Analysis
  • Evaluating gaps and opportunities.

Your brand’s social media team can perform this competitor analysis internally, or you can ask a marketing agency to do it for you.

Competitor analysis is necessary for every growing brand and, even more important, for years-old established enterprises. Even companies like Coca-Cola analyze their competitors regularly (Pepsi and Dr Pepper) to stay ahead and continue as market leaders.

3. Adapt to Algorithm Changes

Predicting your competitor’s next move is not enough; it’s crucial to adapt to any possible social media algorithm changes as well.

Every platform has its own algorithm that determines the visibility and reach of your content. The algorithm impacts how content is prioritized and displayed to users. Social media platforms frequently update their algorithms without any notice. So, to prevent a drop in reach and interaction, you must take action and change your strategy.

How do you keep up with social media algorithm changes?

  • Read more and stay informed via social media marketing blogs, forums, newsletters, etc.
  • Monitor the performance of your social channels to identify any change in engagement metrics that may indicate algorithm changes.
  • Adjust your social media strategy as per the algorithm changes while keeping content standards high.
  • To actually understand what algorithm favors, test with experimentation.

This is a quick representation of how social media algorithms of different social channels have changed in 2023 and 2024:

latest social media algorithm chnges

4. Implement Analytics Tool

When it comes to planning and strategizing, your brand needs a social media analytics tool that provides insights into your performance and helps in making strategic decisions.

If you want to have regular insights on what’s working and what’s not to refine your strategy across multiple platforms, using a Social media analytics tool like Social Media Analytics Tool makes sense.

You can use it to monitor the performance of multiple channels from the beginning to stay informed about every minor change and optimize efforts to achieve better results

SocialPilot is a dedicated suite of features with analytics and reporting to enhance data-driven decision-making. With SocialPilot, you get:

  • Downloadable Whitelabel Reports
  • In-depth Page Analytics
  • Priority Report Scheduling
  • Reporting Sharing with Clients
  • Individual Posts Analytics
  • Custom Reports
  • Platform Centric KPIs/Metrics
Facebook Analytics

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Social Media Best Practices for Content Creation and Optimization

Armed with perfect planning and analytics? Now, you can shift your focus to the social media best practices for creating high-quality, relevant content creation and optimization. Let’s start with the most trending one: AI.

5. Leverage AI for Content Creation 

Using AI for content creation means employing Artificial Intelligence Tools to generate, optimize, and personalize social media content.

You can use these tools to generate content ideas, write captions, find relevant hashtags, and add emojis specific to each social media channel.

There are several AI tools in the market to choose from based on your needs. If you’re looking for a tool just to generate ideas and content, you can use ChatGPT, Copy.ai, or similar platforms.

However, it’s generally better to have one tool that does it all rather than multiple tools that each do one task.

Since your primary concern is prolific social media management, you need a holistic tool like SocialPilot that not only has AI generation capabilities, but also streamlines social media efforts, provides analytics and reporting, and automates your social media activities.

Experience AI copy generation below with SocialPilot’s Free Caption Generator.

Free AI Instagram Caption Generator

Generate scroll-halting Instagram captions with our AI-powered Instagram Caption Generator.


Here is the Generated Result

AI Prompts

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Since you’re an AI fanatic, we are offering you 500 Free Credits to generate awesome content on the AI Assistant of SocialPilot.

6. Focus on Quality Visual & Content

Creating visually high-quality content means focusing more on high-resolution images, videos, and visually appealing graphics. With the increasing effectiveness of interactive content, brands are also including content like polls, quizzes, live streaming, and interactive videos in their lists.

When your content is visually appealing, the chances of it getting shared, remembered, and engaged also increase more than any other static post.

Like every marketer, your brand can also leverage the opportunity to generate high-quality content that is visually appealing and interactive at the same time. Having quality content also means ensuring the assets are within the correct size guidelines for each social channel. So, to achieve top content quality on social media, ensure the following factors:

  • Use good quality cameras and editing software, or get your content prepared professionally.
  • Develop your own style guide and aesthetic and create your brand’s visual identity, such as color scheme, typography, and image guidelines.
  • Utilize the interactive features of each social platform.

Keeping visually interactive content as a priority in every campaign and post will keep your feed fresh and aesthetically attractive.

7. Create Content Specific to Social Media Platforms

Preparing your content platform-specific means tailoring your content to fit perfectly as per the vibe, audience, and unique features of each social media platform.

Each platform has a different format, audience, and expectations from the content. When you design your posts as per this best practice, you ensure good engagement, reach, and effectiveness on the platform.

Here’s a little peek at the demographics and other important elements of different social media platforms to understand how they differ from each other.

social media platforms

8. Practice Ethical Marketing

Ethical marketing is all about promoting your brands with honesty, transparency, and social responsibility. It is also about being true to the process you follow during different stages of marketing, such as using AI tools ethically and focusing on integrity.

Ensuring the well-being of your customers and society and showing them the reality of everything you do will build trust and loyalty. This is one of the social media best practices that enhance your brand reputation.

To stay ethically true during every aspect of your social media process, you can ensure these factors:

  • Don’t misguide your audience regarding your product’s features, benefits, and limitations. Claim only the things that you truly provide.
  • Stay ethical while utilizing AI for different parts of your social media marketing.
  • Respect your customers’ privacy, and don’t feed their data to others. Be transparent about how you collect and store their data.
  • Promote and support your users’ growth with you. By participating in their growth, you can give them a reason to trust you.
  • Be a socially responsible brand that is all there for sustainability.
  • Avoid fake reviews, customer interactions, and engagements. Ensure that you only foster genuine relationships.

Social Media Best Practices for Operational Efficiency

In every social media campaign, there are several things to ensure while executing the strategy. There are some social media practices that your brand can implement to maintain operational efficiency.

9. Maintain a Consistent Posting Schedule

Having a consistent posting schedule means two things: sharing posts on social channels at regular intervals and keeping the frequency optimum.

When a brand is consistent with its content on social media, it builds trust, which improves its visibility. Consistency keeps the brand at the top of its followers’ minds and helps establish a brand voice. So, develop a posting schedule before you start working on the content strategy and stick to it. You can either use a social media calendar template or employ a social media content calendar tool.

Also, every social platform has its own algorithm and content preference. So, you must also include a separate posting frequency for each one of them. Here’s the recommended frequency you should follow for different social media networks.

frequency on social media

10. Team Collaboration & Approval-On-The-Go

The newest innovation of complex social media marketing is implementing tools and processes that enable team collaboration and approval to streamline workflow and improve efficiency.

Effective collaboration allows the team to come together and work to complete their task within the deadline. At the same time, swift approval processes reduce the delay time caused by back-and-forth communication between the client and team. This strategy is especially effective when the team and clients are not under the same roof or located remotely.

To promote smooth workflow and speed up the process, brands use social media management tools like SocialPilot. These tools come with features like Team Collaboration and Approval-on-the-go. They help you stay connected and organized anywhere and anytime on any device.

11. Prepare for Crises

One of the most important social media best practices is to stay alert in case of errors, which brands often overlook. To manage any unexpected negative situation that is affecting your brand is your crisis management.

It helps you respond quickly and effectively to reduce the damage to your brand’s reputation and keep your audience’s trust. Having a plan for a crisis situation is especially necessary when you are planning to post something new that has the potential risk of backfiring.

Here are some tips to prepare for social media crises and protect your brand image:

  • Audit your posts and campaigns to identify any potential risks that can impact the brand.
  • Consult your legal team, PR team, and stakeholders before you share something strong or statement-worthy on social media.
  • Always have a diplomatic response plan that can restore your brand image to neutral and take responsibility for any harm it may have caused.
  • Remember, social media is a place of millions of opinions. Sometimes, not taking them seriously is an act of crisis management.

By staying on top of effective crisis management, see how KFC responded to their chicken shortage crisis. They quickly acknowledged the issue and transparently communicated with customers, using a little humor to defuse the situation.

KFC responded

More than half of the crises can be resolved just by communicating the real side of the story to the audience.

12. Automate Your Social Media Activities 

If you want to automate your social media activities, you have to utilize the best social media automation tools. These tools work as an all-rounder for your social media, from scheduling, managing interactions, and analyzing, which reduces manual efforts during busy periods or off-hours.

Even though automation is a continuous process, you can employ an automation tool as soon as your social media strategy is in place to ensure consistency and improve efficiency. As your analytics and performance change, you can also optimize your automation processes.

SocialPilot is the Best Social Media Automation Tool. It streamlines your tasks and manages your brand’s social media presence. From Scheduling and Publishing to engagement and Collaboration and Monitoring, SocialPilot is feature-packed with everything you need.

Social Media Practices for Adapting to New Trends

It’s time to adapt to social media innovation and technology after adapting to smart planning, monitoring, optimization, and operations. This is one of the best practices for social media, which works wonders for brands and keeps them on top of their social media strategy.

13. Use Targeted Hashtags

On social media, Hashtags (#) are used as keywords or phrases to categorize content and amplify it on different platforms. Implementing a smart hashtag strategy for your posts can increase their reach and engagement in your preferred niche.

Regarding hashtags, brands and marketers often fall into the myth that “more hashtags mean more reach.” Well, just using every possible hashtag related to your niche is not recommended. Instead, engagement reduces on several platforms when the number of hashtags is greater.

See how the engagement is affected by hashtags on X (formerly Twitter)

Fewer hashtags leads to better engagement

Just like Twitter, every platform has its own guidelines for hashtag usage. So, make sure you keep them in mind as you prepare your strategy.

14. Leverage Video Marketing

Including video marketing in your social media strategy means sharing videos about your brand, products, and services. Some of the most preferred types of videos are tutorials, how-tos, vlogs, product videos, etc.

Videos are a highly interactive way to convey complex messages and build a stronger connection with the audience. Plan your content strategy around videos to keep it fresh and engaging. The chart below shows that Videos are the most popular content type on social media, as 81% of people prefer to see video content over other content types.

Most prefered content on social media


Videos are the most effective way to drive conversion and form a stronger connection with viewers. They are especially beneficial for promoting products through review videos or tutorials. If you haven’t tried video marketing yet, this is your cue to start making engaging videos that resonate with your target audience.

15. Stay Updated on Trends

Staying updated on trends means keeping track of the latest news and current happenings and knowing how to shape that information into your social media marketing.

Having a space for trending content on your schedule works best when a new trend is rolled out overnight. This way, you can benefit from the opportunity and stay ahead of the competition. This requires you to monitor changing trends and fix your strategy as needed continuously.

Some tips on how to always know what’s trending:

  • Follow industry leaders and experts who are more likely to share insights on anything changing.
  • Be a part of online forums, communities, and groups to get the trending information first.
  • Use tools, such as Google Trends and BuzzSumo, to stay updated on the trends
  • Attend webinars, workshops, and conferences to learn about the latest trends.
  • Spend time on multiple social media platforms and experiment with anything that you find relevant to your brands.

New trends are introduced every year, every month, and every week. You can start by exploring social media trends for 2024 to aid your strategy in growing faster.

Social Media Best Practices for Great Customer Services

Social media is not just a place for engaging content and attracting more followers; it is also a place to ensure great social media customer service. The chart below shows that over half of the consumers engage with brands on social media about customer care concerns.

social media users by platform

To improve your customer service on social media, you can follow the below strategies:

16. Employ Chatbots

It is not possible to respond to all social media queries on all platforms in real-time unless you have a dedicated response team. This is where having a chatbot integrated into multiple social media platforms helps. It provides around-the-clock service for attending to customers’ queries. According to Gartner, Chatbots can become the primary channel for customer service by 2027.

Having a chatbot has several benefits:

  • 24/7 Availability
  • Instant response
  • Order without human touch
  • Omni-channel
  • Personalization
  • Multilingual
  • Consistency in answers
  • Professional and unbiased conduct
Helps Automate Customer Touchpoints

This is a chatbot integrated by Levi’s on Instagram that responds to customers in real time and provides suggestions for further inquiries.

Having a chatbot especially benefits during off-hours and for being a neutral customer support representative. Chatbot enhances the customer experience by reducing the response time and freeing up human resources for more complex tasks.

17. Develop a Response Template Library

Having a response template library ready is like creating a manual chatbot. It is a collection of pre-written replies for common queries customers ask on social media.  It saves time and ensures that you provide a consistent, professional, and efficient social media customer service experience.

These response templates should be implemented across all social media channels and wherever marketers respond to customers. You can create your own social media response templates by following these steps:

  • Identify the most frequent queries and issues that customers have raised on social media.
  • Develop a template with clear, direct, concise, and professional responses to common queries.
  • Customize and personalize the responses based on the product category and customer.
  • Regularly analyze how well these responses are able to satisfy the customers and update as needed.

By implementing these steps, you’ll create a robust response template library that enhances your social media customer service, making it more efficient and consistent.

18. Use Automated Responses for Common Queries

Automated responses are pre-prepared and pre-programmed replies to some common customer queries your brand gets on social media. This can be done through a chatbot or with social media platform-integrated quick replies.

You can set them up manually on social platforms for direct messages. Platforms like Instagram have built-in auto-reply and saved-replies features to respond to DMs your brand receives. You can also set up welcome messages and thank you replies to automate your responses.

wlcome message

A simple strategy to prepare automated responses for your brands is:

  • Identify common queries your customer asks.
  • Prepare responses to answer them professionally.
  • Integrate them in quick replies on social platforms.

Having an automated response to queries can help customer satisfaction by providing them with quick solutions.

19. Measure Customer Satisfaction

Did you know? 32% of consumers abandon their favorite brand after a single bad experience. This means that even if your brand and products are loved a lot by your customers, not giving them a good customer service experience can make them drop you off their wishlist.

Social media is a great place to satisfy customers and also evaluate your CSAT (customer satisfaction) score. Several brands using Twitter for customer service see a 19% increase in their customer satisfaction. Measuring how happy your customers are with your brand and products means you can reflect back and prepare better for the future.

To measure the CSAT of your brand, you can implement these ideas:

  • Conduct surveys or polls on social media, newsletters, and your website.
  • Analyze customers’ responses to your solutions, noting whether they leave satisfied or not.

Below is a sample of the customer service satisfaction survey form.

customer service survey


Looking Ahead

Social media is a dynamic world where no one stands still. As platforms evolve, trends change, technology adapts, and satisfaction shifts, the only way to stay consistent with your growth is to implement best practices for social media that promise success.

In 2024, you have to push boundaries and reach the fullest potential in strategic planning, content, engagement, operations, innovation, and customer services to experience the desired results. These 19 social media best practices cover all that and more. Each practice is crafted to keep you at the frontier and lead the change.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which of the Following Is a Social Media Best Practice?

Here are the 19 most important social media best practices by experts to help you grow your social media.

  1. Define Goals Linked to Business Objectives
  2. Conduct Regular Competitor Analysis
  3. Adapt to Algorithm Changes
  4. Implement Analytics Tool
  5. Leverage AI for Content Creation
  6. Focus on Quality Visual & Content
  7. Create Platform-Specific Content
  8. Practice Ethical Marketing
  9. Maintain a Consistent Posting Schedule
  10. Team Collaboration & Approval-On-The-Go
  11. Prepare for Crises
  12. Automate Your Social Media Activities
  13. Use Targeted Hashtags
  14. Leverage Video Marketing
  15. Stay Updated on Trends
  16. Employ Chatbots
  17. Develop a Response Template Library
  18. Use Automated Responses for Common Queries
  19. Measure Customer Satisfaction

What Is the Best Social Media Strategy?

The most result-oriented plan of action for your social media plan should follow the below-given strategy.

  • Define your social media goals
  • Understand your audience
  • Select platforms to market your brand on
  • Perform competitive analysis
  • Develop a brand voice and personality
  • Optimize current profiles
  • Create a content plan
  • Build a community

What Are the Best Practices for Effectively Measuring Social Media?

The best social media practices to effectively measure the state of your social media are:

  1. Define Goals Linked to Business Objectives
  2. Conduct Regular Competitor Analysis
  3. Adapt to Algorithm Changes
  4. Implement Analytics Tool

About the Author

Picture of Megha Sharma

Megha Sharma

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