9 Low Budget Marketing Ideas for Businesses to Grow Like Fire

9 Low Budget Marketing Ideas for Businesses to Grow Like Fire

9 Low Budget Marketing Ideas for businesses to Grow Like Fire

Marketing is expensive. And nobody knows it better than you who is heading a small business with passion, hard work, and a small budget.

You must have asked yourself this several times – is it really necessary to spend so much time and money on marketing my business?

Well, the truth is that marketing is a necessary element to get the spotlight on your business and connect with your target audience.

Hence, a considerable part of your revenue should be used for marketing or promoting your business.

But what do you do when your business is still finding its feet and you don’t have money like the big names of your industry?

You play it smart by incorporating the best marketing plan for small businesses in your strategy.

When it comes to saving their team’s time, a lot of small businesses employ various marketing tools to automate marketing processes. As for saving money, you must use your resources to their maximum potential with strategic planning and execution.

Keep reading to learn about some marketing ideas for businesses that can bring you a good Return On Investment (ROI) without burning a hole in your pocket.

Let’s get started.

1. Craft and Promote Your Content Smartly

A piece of content that is well researched and well written has the potential to drive meaningful organic traffic, leads, and sales.

To craft such content, the first step is to identify the right keywords.

You can use tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, UberSuggest, Moz, or Backlinko’s keyword tool to identify the keywords your competitors are ranking for. Once you find out these keywords, you need to outdo them with better content.

The best part, most of these tools provide free trial options. All you have to invest in is a good content writer.

Next, promote the content on all your social media accounts.

If you are finding it difficult to reach your audience, consider social media cross-promotion. You can collaborate with other relevant businesses, promote them through your content, and vice-versa.

For instance, if you are marketing a SaaS (software as a service) product, you can team up with another SaaS company (not a competitor, obviously) to promote each other. For example, promoting a remote team doing business with cloud PBX and team communication tools.

You can even repurpose this content later – create a video and share it.

Apart from this, you can publish content on guest posting sites with a good DA score in your niche. The process is absolutely free and gives you better exposure and some quality leads too.

2. Use Visuals to Make the Content Easy-to-Consume

If you talk about the early-SEO days, one could have easily made their way to higher search engine rankings with ‘all text and no visuals’ kind of content. But it doesn’t work anymore in today’s times.

Today, words are not enough. According to a Brightcove Survey, “the video gives a 157% organic traffic increase from search engine results pages.

Also, consider this: “adding visuals into your content can increase the chances of information remembered after 3 days to 65% from 10%”, says research by Brainrules. Hence, if you wish to leave a long-lasting impression, your content must have good visuals.

For your blog posts, create an interesting video which tells your audience about the topic in a concise manner.

While sending an email about a Christmas sale, design an attention-grabbing image and add it right at the top. If you plan to run a social media campaign, design visuals accordingly. Here is a complete guide on social media image sizes.

The gist is, whatever you do, your aim should be to make it memorable. With free graphic designing tools like Canva, you can create beautiful visuals like blog graphics, social media posts, banners, ebook covers, and much more.

Oreo is the first name that comes to my mind when I think of great visual marketing strategies. With interesting videos and images, their profile is definitely worth drooling over.


Other brands rocking this strategy are Disney and Starbucks.

3. Leverage the Power of Infographics

Adding to the previous point, if you have interesting data handy, share it ‘visually’ in the form of an infographic.

An infographic attracts not only backlinks but interest, too. Infographics are a great way of improving your search rankings, in turn getting you free organic traffic.

For this strategy, you’ll have to invest in a designer. In case you don’t want to, your team can use tools like Venngage, Infogram, and again Canva to easily translate the data into visually effective infographics, and drive traffic and engagement.

One good example of a brand using infographics is, yours truly SocialPilot. We convert our research into interactive content and tell them via infographics.

brand using infographics

4. Participate in Social Media Groups

If you want to connect with your potential customers without spending a penny, then join different social media groups on multiple online platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora, Reddit, etc. These groups are created to collaborate with people that share common interests.

But to execute this marketing ideas for business effectively, you must identify the right groups that are not only relevant but active too.

A group with no interaction or consistency is of no use. A group where people are sharing posts frequently and interacting actively – by making comments on each other’s posts – would be ideal for you.

We are lucky to have such group participants who share ideas, tools, deals, and foster a community of their own in our group “Social Media Marketers by SocialPilot

Social Media Marketers by SocialPilot

Make sure to use the 80/20 rule here. You don’t want to seem pushy. Additionally, engage yourself in conversations. The best way to build awareness and credibility is to talk to people.

Many of you might know how Edgerank Algorithm works but do you know that it works for group posts, too. If your post starts attracting more reactions and comments, it will automatically be shown to more members of the group.

Tip: Don’t join groups just for promoting your product or service. People are there to discuss and learn from each other. The key to winning here is to showcase your domain knowledge.

5. Build Your Social Presence Smartly

When you are working with a small budget, it is very important to spend it smartly. By now, you must have identified your target audience and the specific social platforms where they are active.

So, why spend so much time and resources on maintaining your presence across all platforms? Instead of trying to be omnipresent, focus on mastering some specific platforms.

The key here is to select the top two to three social platforms where most of your target users participate actively.

Say, your target audience consists of youth or college students – Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok would work best for you. On the other hand, if you want to target millennials, your focus should be on Twitter and Youtube.

If you are a B2B organization whose target audience is the C-suite (CEOs, CFOs, etc.), LinkedIn would be the perfect platform for you to focus on.

It’s hard to be omnipresent effectively on all social media platforms? But, we have a budget-friendly solution!

SocialPilot helps manage your social media posting on all the major platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, GoogleMyBusiness, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube, and Pinterest. Just plan, create and schedule your posts, stories, or reels and SocialPilot will post automatically when the time comes. Moreover, you can analyze the performance to improve engagement and conversions.

SocialPilot will post automatically

Start Your 14-day Trial

6. Turn Your Brand into an SME

A Subject Matter Expert (SME) is a person who has expert knowledge about what goes into doing a particular job or accomplishing a task.

In this case, you won’t be marketing your product or services. You’ll be marketing yourself as a brand.

Establishing your brand as an SME will make your clients or customers take your word for it. They will look up to you for advice, guidance, and expertise.

Say, you own a restaurant. You can begin with writing columns, articles, or reviews for lifestyle magazines. If you are into web design and development, you can hold free workshops in relevant colleges and universities.

LinkedIn is the best platform to establish yourself as an SME. Over the years, Linkedin has grown into a platform where people from different niches come to engage with professional insights and add their perspective to it.

Sharing your experience and social media tactics builds brand awareness, some good attention, and trust.

Using this strategy in sync with your inbound marketing campaign can get you a lot more conversions than email or telemarketing.

What’s more?

Eventually, you’ll become a leader and an influencer in your niche.

7. Create Exclusive Offers for Social Media

Building a loyal social media following is half the battle won.

To win the other half, you must figure out how you can convert these followers into customers. Creating specific offers for your social media followers is one great way of doing just that.

You can bring out flash deals – the time limit encourages quick actions on the followers’ part. You can also create offers that encourage people to buy more products from you or buy yearly subscriptions for your service.

These offers can be promoted in the form of posts, Stories (for Facebook and Instagram), or ads.

Dominos is one such brand that keeps sharing exclusive offers for its followers on social. They surely know how to bank on people’s need for pizzas and save money.

Create exclusive offers

Social media marketing if done right has the ability to continuously drive meaningful traffic to your website.

The key to winning with it is to regularly post meaningful content. Small businesses with less budget often shy away from using professional tools. You might have heard about Hootsuite, Sendible when talking about managing social media, but they go way out of budget.

Instead, you can have a look at Sendible alternatives that are cost-effective and easy to use. This may save some money for them but it hampers the growth as it makes the employees inefficient.


As a small company, your focus should be on growing fast by providing creative solutions to your customers.

8. Organize Social Media Contests

Another great marketing strategy for your social is to organize contests. Contests require your followers to participate in some manner which (for you) means driving engagement. Hopefully, these followers will recommend their friends and colleagues to participate, too.

Don’t forget to come up with trending hashtags for the contest – hashtags have good recall value. Next, think about the kind of contest you wish to organize – you can ask users to contribute some content, share their personal stories or come up with funny answers.

No matter what kind of contest you put up, the incentive you are providing your followers is very important. That’s the reason they will be participating in your contest. So, choose a good incentive – offer discounts, free coupons, a chance to be the first one to try your product/service, etc.

An exclusive coconut beauty product brand Kopari beauty never ceases to amaze with their giveaway contest. They ran a contest to guess their upcoming product.

Kopari beauty

9. Get Your Business on Quora

Quora is the place people go to get suggestions and solutions. Your potential customers might be there, too. You can use this platform not only to identify your customers’ pain points but also to propose valuable solutions.

This, in turn, helps you build a personal brand and drive organic traffic to your website.

Many SMB owners use Quora to perform industry research. You, too, can use Quora to get answers to questions like:

  • What is your target audience looking for?
  • What problems are your potential customers facing?

Your brand should be able to answer these questions in an authentic way while explaining how your product/service provides solutions.

See how the mentor of the Drag App sends traffic to the company’s blog by answering popular and relevant questions on Quora.


Wrapping it Up!

No matter the size of your business, digital marketing is a crucial part of growing your business.

Don’t worry if you are low on money to create shiny marketing campaigns with celebrity ads. The above small-budget marketing ideas for business will do the job for you.

The key is to use the available resources smartly to perform the discussed budget marketing ideas for small businesses.

As you move forward to try these marketing ideas, keep tracking which platform works the best for your business. Once you know the sweet spot for your business, allocate more budget to your marketing strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

🌟 How much should a small bBusiness spend on marketing?

It depends on your revenue. A rule of thumb suggests that B2B companies should spend 2 to 5% of their revenue. For B2C companies, it’s prudent to spend around 5 to 10% of revenue on marketing.

🌟 What is the cheapest form of marketing?

Here are some cheapest or free forms of marketing you can utilize to promote your business:

  • Organic social media marketing
  • Social media paid ads
  • User-generated content
  • Google my business listings
  • Company website
  • Email marketing
  • SMS marketing
  • PPC advertising
  • Referral marketing

🌟 What marketing works best for small businesses?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer here. It depends on your target audience. Understand the behavior of your target audience and research your competitors to identify the best form of marketing for your business.

🌟 What are the 4 marketing strategies?

Here are the 4 types of marketing:

  • Relationship marketing: Focuses on customer retention and satisfaction
  • Scarcity marketing: Creates a perception of shortage, such as limited offers
  • Cause marketing: Celebrates company values through a social cause
  • Stealth marketing: An unconventional form of marketing that is subtle and not easily visible to the audience

🌟 What are some good marketing ideas?

Here are some of the best small business marketing ideas:

  • Using content to promote your business
  • Visual marketing to attract
  • Leverage infographics
  • Participation in social media groups
  • Building social presence
  • Focus on becoming a subject matter expert
  • Create exclusive offers
  • Organize social media contests
  • Use Quora

About the Author

Picture of Prince Kapoor

Prince Kapoor

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